Hi! I'm sea-turt1e.

I'm a Machine Learning Engineer at Z-kai Inc. inc.
My Intersts are Natural Language Processing / Basketball / Comics

GitHub: sea-turt1e
mail: h.yamada.bg[at]gmail.com



Python package for converting kanji to hiragana, katakana, and romaji using mecab-unidic-NEologd.

Chat-GPTによる論文要約Slack Botの作成

Creating a Slack Bot for paper summarization using Chat-GPT.

GeneralTalker APIを使ったSlack botの作り方

How to create a Slack bot using the GeneralTalker API.

Emotion Detection

Detect Multiple Emotion in Conversation. This is the re-imprementation of Phan's Model(2018).


You can analyze sentiment by typing on LINE chat. Type sentences on LINE & get anger points
This site has been deleted.

Service Review

Review Site of online servicse.
(e.g. shopping site)
This site has been deleted.


Company: Z-kai Inc.
Term: 2023/10~Now
Employment status: full-time employee
Work Contents: ML Engineer (mainly Natural Language Processing)

Company: morikatron inc.
Term: 2020/10~2023/09
Employment status: full-time employee
Work Contents: ML Engineer (mainly Natural Language Processing)

Company: NewsPicks,Inc.
Term: 4 weeks
Employment status: Internship
Work Contents: ML Engineer (Improvement of News Comments Algorithm)

Company: RareJob Inc.
Term: 5 months
Employment status: Internship
Work Contents: Marketing at the Philippines' office


Duloingo English Test Score: 62 (old version test)
Advanced in English

TOEIC Listening & Reading Test: 795

Blog Posts



If you have an opinion or question, please contact me.